Saturday, November 17, 2012
International Masonic Order Delphi has new U.S. website
I am happy to announce that the order I belong to, International Masonic Order Delphi, has a new website for our U.S. lodges:
Thursday, August 23, 2012
New Work by Willy Gutman
I would like to announce that my dear friend Willy Gutman has authored a new book which will be available for worldwide release in September 2012. I am certain that Bro. Willy's new work will be as stimulating and enlightening as his previous works. An article regarding his book can be found here:
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Erato, the muse of lyric poetry
I know it has been quite awhile again since I last posted, January to be exact. I hope to be posting on a masonic topic in the next few weeks, and I appreciate the patience of my blog's followers. Having completed my M.A. in History and an M.A. in English, I am currently one-third of the way through a Master of Humanities program. School has kept me quite busy (especially my poetry class, since I have no experience with poetry), but I will have more postings coming very soon. Thank you.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Knowing the Acacia

It has been a long journey, but this past Saturday I was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in Salt Lake City. My Masonic path has taken many twists and turns, largely due to political factors involving the obediences I was affiliated with in the past, but I have grown and learned during that time.
I was initiated as an Entered Apprentice on September 30, 2008 in Lodge Intrepid of the GOUSA, then passed to the degree of Fellow Craft on July 19, 2010 in Worshipful Lodge New Isis of the George Washington Union. Now I can proudly say that I have been raised to the degree of Master Mason in Worshipful Lodge Athena of the International Masonic Order Delphi on the 14th of January 2012.
I would like to take this time to thank the wonderful Brothers and Sisters that assisted with my raising and also offer my congratulations to the two Brothers that were raised with me. What is worth having is worth working, and waiting for.
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