I hope that everyone is enjoying the preparations for the coming holidays. Loge Art et Lumiere recently held their annual Family Banquet and other seasonal activities are soon to be held by other lodges in Los Angeles.
As a result of repeated attempts by bogus groups to infiltrate respectable masonic forums on facebook, I have created, what I hope will be an informative site, dedicated to informing prospective candidates of the options that are available to women in legitimate Freemasonry.
The site is "Freemasonry for Women" and is located at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Freemasonry-for-Women/178436995516642?v=app_2309869772&ref=ts#!/pages/Freemasonry-for-Women/178436995516642?v=info
I trust that this will be a useful resource for potential sisters that are seeking the Light that Freemasonry offers.
Happy holidays to all/Joyeuses FĂȘtes/Felices Fiestas!
My Brother,
I will be the politically incorrect one that will come out and say, sincerely, Merry Christmas. I hope that you and yours have a joyous holiday season.
Take care Brother
Brother Brandt, Please allow me to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas as well. And a Merry Christmas to the Brothers of Euclid Lodge!
The message will be carried forward Brother.
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