I was thinking today about the Sisters at Lodge Aletheia in Los Angeles, a lodge that I have had the pleasure of visiting more than once, and the dedication that they show to Freemasonry.
Lodge Aletheia belongs to the Women’s Grand Lodge of Belgium and has sister lodges in Washington D.C. and New York. The founders had to travel to Belgium to be initiated, passed, and raised, which in itself is an indicator of their dedication to bringing women’s Masonry to the United States.
The sisters are required to attend education meetings at 10 am, followed by a break for lunch, and the lodge opens at 2 pm and normally lasts until 5pm, followed by a common meal (in the European tradition this is known as an Agape).
How many of us would be willing to commit ourselves to what is essentially an entire Saturday for Masonic work, and this is every month?
As with those mainstream lodges that belong to the Masonic Restoration Foundation or that follow a European Lodge pattern, these are the lodges that are the future of Freemasonry in this country.
Those lodges that require commitment and hard work are the lodges that prosper and attract the highest quality candidates. Lodge Aletheia turns away more candidates than it accepts, as I can testify to personally. At one blindfold interview session I was witness to, only one of three women applying to the lodge was accepted for initiation.
If we don’t ask much of our members, we should not expect much. Being a Freemason is a privilege and an honor. It is not an entitlement. When the West Gate is opened to whoever knocks, there is no telling who we are letting in the door; Freemasonry must maintain high standards to be a beneficial and quality organization.
Earning the title "Freemason" is more than belonging to an organization. We have all seen those that belonged to the right club, however one wants to view that issue, that are not worth any trust at all. Earning the title of "freemason" involves living the Craft. Nothing more.
Very true Brother. I did not mean to suggest that simply fulfilling requirements made someone a Mason.
But I do admire those lodges that expect their members to actually put some effort into practicing the Craft.
It seems that all too often, just paying the fees and showing up occasionally is enough.
Thank you for your comments Brother!
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